Goole is known for its iconic twin water towers, nicknamed the Salt and Pepper Pots. But which is salt and which is pepper? The dilemma is being featured in the national media and even as far as Australia. Join the debate…
Free tickets are now available for a special film screening featuring Goole-born ‘star of the silver screen’ Dorothy Bartlam. The event has been organised by Goole Civic Society, which is also unveiling a Blue Plaque to honour Dorothy
Buy your Goole Civic Society calendar for just £6. Copies are on sale at Goole Library. Anyone living further afield can contact the Civic Society and we'll send you one, with an extra charge for postage.
The Goole Civic Society AGM will be held at 7:15pm on 4th May at West Park Cafe
Members of the public are welcome.
(please note the date is different to our usual 'last Wednesday of the month' and there won't be a meeting on 27th April)
The Civic Society got involved in a national music project marking this historic time, A Song for Us celebrates our communities and the power of music to bring us together in Lockdown, read more to find out how the Society got involded...
Goole is one of 101 towns selected by the Government to benefit from a Town Deal, worth up to £25m. Goole Civic Society has a seat on the Town Deal Board responsible for shaping a Town Investment Plan. The fund is designed to propose a range of interventions that drive the renewal of towns to generate long-term economic and productivity growth.